Keyword - Hira teriinatoofa

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Un petit training à Lacanau avant les championnats du monde de Surf ISA

Hira Teriinatoofa à Lacanau Océan :
11H : Débriefing, approfondissement sur les stratégies et techniques de préparaton mentale...
13h45 : Cohérence cardiaque et imagerie mentale
14h : A l'eau sous la supervision du coach Jeff Deloume 

Un peu plus tard dans la semaine : une autre session et c'est sans modération.


Meilleure vague de la compétition

Hira Teriinatoofa a fait une belle entrèe en matière lors du Rip Curl Pro Zarautz, World qualifying Series, 5 etoiles, en s'adjugeant le meilleure score de la journée, 9.5/10 et le 3ieme meilleur total de points.

Extrait d'interview du site Zarautz "Usual European top campaigners were in good form as well and Tahitian Hira Teriinatoofa (PYF) led the crew with power surfing and vertical moves, posting an excellent 17.60 tally (out o a possible 20) to secure a ticket for the best seeded surfers' round.

"It was kind of tricky because with four guys on a small peak it is always a struggle," Teriinatoofa said. "You definitely have to hassle a little to get the better waves. It seems like the swell will pick up so I hope I can make it through until it gets bigger because i usually surf well in solid conditions.I had a bit of pressure because you always want to do good when the waves are so clean," Teriinatoofa said. "I have been training mentally as well recently and I felt good out there. Really stoked to get such big scores." Teriinatoofa, who pulled out of the tour a couple of years, has made his intentions clear and will be back full time on the ASP World Qualifying Series (WQS) next year.

Le voila maintenant au 3ieme tour après avoir glané une patiente 2ieme place qualificative. Et il parait que les vagues grossissent....